Creating the right relationship
Any marketing strategist will tell you that developing the right relationship with your customers is one of the most important steps to grow your business. And then they’ll probably also throw in this line: “Remember, it’s not only what you’re selling but who you are selling to that makes all the difference.”
When we talk about how to get more customers, the first place to start is to learn more about who they are – their age, gender, income level. For us to really connect with your customers, we need to dig down deeper and learn more about ‘what they do.’
You need to do a little work and look at the psychographics of your customer.
I realize that’s a big fancy word but it’s really pretty simple. Psychographics actually refers to the breakdown of values, interests, behavior and lifestyle of your customers. Here’s a few examples of what I’m talking about – your customers might be big Star Wars fans or maybe they’re looking for green-friendly products or perhaps, they’re active runners who exercise during their lunch breaks.
I Get You
I understand what it’s like to be an entrepreneur.
I’ve owned my company since 1999 and I know how important it is to make the best use of your time to reach your customers. You have a limited time to be online so why are you wasting it clicking, commenting and updating on all the social programs?
All you really want is a solid social plan that outlines where you should be spending time your time online. You want to know what to do to connect to all those people who are actively looking for what you’re selling.
Learning more about the pyschographics of your customers helps you not only understand what resonates with them to get them to click around your site but it’ll also help you learn what motivates them to buy from you.
And when you can effectively understand what makes your customers excited, you can create targeted marketing that focuses on your customer’s needs. Your messages will sound more like you’re talking directly TO them and not just AT them.
There’s nothing more that gets a person to click the Buy Here button than to read a marketing message that speaks directly to them and how your product or service can solve their problems.
Think about the last time you bought something. You read through the copy on the page, nodded your head and said, “Yeah, that one is me, and number 3, 4 and quite possibly number 6. Where’s that click to buy thingy?”
The more you know
The more you know about your customers, the easier it is to truly speak to what they need and how your products or services is the solution they’re looking for.
Start thinking about how your product or service fits into your customer’s lifestyle:
- How do my customers use my services or products?
- Is your product seasonal or do they only call you when something is broken?
- Is there one thing that is consistent with them, like they’re all moms or they sell directly to other businesses?
- Do they have an interest or hobby outside of their work that they’ve shared with you?
- What are the challenges are they talking about in Facebook groups?
- What solutions are they saying they want like “I wish someone would give me a guide a video series that helps me do X”?
Spend a little time brainstorming who your customer is and what they’re like outside of just being a customer. Write or type out all your answers to these questions and just keep writing until you have a full description of your customers .
Now let’s look at the wording for your marketing messages
- Do they use certain words when they engage with you?
- Are there certain terms that people in your industry uses?
- How can you define these terms for non-industry people who want to buy your stuff?
Take a look at the characteristics of the person you described as your customer. Then using your marketing message answers that you just pulled together, use this prompt to get you started on developing a targeted marketing message:
My <product or service> will help my customers solve <problem> because it does <solution>.
Keep writing your sentences over and over using different words, phrases and even changing up the order of the sentences. And keep doing it until you have at least 5 different marketing messages.
When you finish this exercise, you’ll find your marketing messages will be more effective to connect with your potential customers. You’ll be speaking their language and showing them that you understand their problems.
And hopefully, they’ll see that you get them and they’ll start their nodding their head, looking for the Buy Here button.
Seriously, why does this have to be so freaking hard?
- Does your social plan feel scattered?
- Are you spending hours online and not seeing results?
- Are you lost in the sea of information from one expert’s webinar to another top blogger’s post on how all this social stuff should work together?
It really doesn’t have to be this hard
I’m going to show you with the Social Biz Builder free course how to make sure that you’re not wasting your time online. In 5 easy action steps, you’ll identify where to spend your time to reach the right customers and learn a process you can easily reproduce into your social plan.
The Social Biz Builder is more than just another ecourse with a bunch of emails clogging up your inbox.
And it’s not a cookie cutter system that works for you ONLY if you’re a coach or a blogger. I’ll teach you what will work for your business and the work that you love so you can help the people who are actively looking for someone to support them.
Once you’ve completed the Social Biz Builder process, you will:
- Feel focused about where to spend your valuable time that will give you real results.
- Become clear on how to reach more people and engage in a conversation that leads to making more money.
- Feel confident using the 5-step process to help you prioritize your time online.
- Create a focused social plan that help you reach the right customers.
Whether you just started your business or launched your site a few years ago, I’ll help you find your focus to stop wasting your time online – and find the right customers who are looking for what you’re selling.
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