Pushing Myself
This was the first week when I finally got off the crazy work roller coaster. I have no idea how I convinced myself that I could take an intensive online course, work on two major projects AND carry a full workload of clients.
I guess sometimes I just try to push myself to see what I can really do. And this time, it worked.
Last year at this time, I had launched my 30 Minute Social Sessions workbook and I was working on creating the content for the first online ecourse I wanted to teach. I also was teaching local social media workshops and working with a few clients.
It was just crazy. The whole process was full of stress and programming stuff and web sites going down and deadlines.
This year, I saw changes in my business because I had changed. I pushed myself and handled everything. I’ve written more blog content than I’ve ever written, created my own graphics, developed my social media routine to help me get more done and with a little help from my programmer, did some housecleaning to my website.
I’m quite impressed with myself right now.
My Gratitude Journal
One of things that I am convinced has helped me this year is my Gratitude Journal. It’s one of the apps I shared with you in my How to Find Your Inner Coach post.
Since I’m on my tablet so much at the end of the night { OK, that really means, since I’m on Pinterest every night! }, it’s easy for me to add in my gratitude thoughts for the day. I see the little heart icon at the top of my tablet and it reminds me to type in a few sentences about what I’m grateful for that day.
So the other day I’m in the program, I hit the See All button. The app pulled up all of my messages over this past year. As a part of my authentic journey on my blog as a small business owner, it seemed like a good idea to share some of my favorites with you.
This should give you a glimpse into my year as a small business owner and hopefully, it’ll spark you to think about doing your own gratitude journal.
March 27 – I am grateful for my son Jake being home and we’re learning how to move into this tween-aged stage and having non-yelling nights. Good night my sweet boy.
April 6 – I am grateful that I have the $2000 in my savings to pay for my broken AC unit. This is not going to take me down. I don’t have to borrow the money. I am grateful that I can take care of this myself.
May 24 – Today I’m grateful for this time to think about work. I need to learn to quiet the voices in my head.
June 2 – Today I’m grateful to start putting some things into place to sort through these self doubt thoughts in my head that could hold me back. Grateful for the messages to let me know I’m moving in the right direction.
August 8 – What am I grateful for? Oh so much. We just got back from our annual week long trip to Georgia to visit with my dad. I’ve spent more time with Jake than normal – and have we gotten on each others’ nerves? Most definitely, but I’ve accepted that we’re a real family and it’s OK that every day on our vacation wasn’t perfect.
I’m grateful for this time spent with my dad and wishing that we lived closer, wishing we could talk more often like we did this week. And I’m grateful for the memories with my son this week. These are the things we’ll remember when we’re older.
August 12 – I am grateful for sleep. Yes, I said sleep, being able to sleep through the night in the silence of my bed.
September 9 – It’s hard for me to feel grateful now. Right now, I just feel fat.
September 14 – Today I’m grateful for these three things:
- Close friends in my life and no matter what’s going on in my life, they’re always there for me.
- For my health and the health of my family, that both of parents are still here with me and both are still actively living their lives.
- The peace I’m feeling as I watch my life unfold as it should be.
October 3 – Today I am grateful for over the counter medicine. Think how really crappy I’d feel with this cough and sinus headache without the meds. Now if I could just shake this thing, I’d be really grateful!
October 10 – Today I’m grateful for the productivity of the day, grateful to see the launch of my new program The Pinterest Traffic Builder go so smoothly, grateful for less stress, grateful for the steps I’m taking to move forward.
Plan tomorrow, today.
November 23 – Today I’m grateful for the slight change in the weather. I think it’s finally starting to take a turn. Can I finally shut off my AC? I would be so grateful to open the windows again.
December 12 – Today I am grateful for spending time with my family. It’s easy to get lost in all the problems but at the end of the day, it’s these memories, these moments that matter.
And for those, I am grateful.
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