Social media is like having a relationship with your kids. You may not always like what they do but you love the idea that they’re here in your life.
And for those of us who have been using social media for a few years, it feels more like seeing our kids move into the teenage years. Every day is a surprise with the unexpected ups and downs.
You miss those moments when everything was new, simple and easy – you could just post up a marketing message and by lunchtime, people would start commenting, liking and sharing.
But now you have to have a social media strategy. You need to create a content calendar for posting. You have to find a way to show up in your fans’ home feed so they see your posts and that image you spent an hour creating.
All of this stuff can make social media feel more like a chore instead something fun to do every day. And so you find an excuse about why you don’t want to log into Facebook and post your messages for the week.
“I’m too busy. I’m too overloaded to get in there and really do the work. I mean if I can’t do this right, why bother?” You say to yourself.
I know what you’re feeling.
Social Media has stopped being fun.
If you’re ready to transform your social media mindset, then download your free workbook to help you work through the exercises to bring the fun back to social media.
Just give me 15 minutes of your time to work through these simple exercises and you’ll bring back that loving feeling with social media again!
What you’ll learn:
- How to change your social media mindset.
- One simple trick to bring the fun back into social media.
- And how to make sure the fun doesn’t go away!