How to Grow Your Business Online
When you first started your work online, you probably worked through some kind of checklist to figure out how to ramp up your business.
You read books and blog posts. You watched webinars and subscribed to newsletters. And you may have spent a little bit of money for an ecourse while you invested a whole bunch more of your time and that thing called ‘sweat equity’ to get your business off the ground.
So … now what?
For those of you who made it through the startup stress but still may be dealing with a tight budget, you might be wondering how to grow your business to the next level. I know that there’s a whole bunch of options out there to keep your business moving forward with very little money. But where do you start?
If you’re ready to invest the time and energy, check out these options to help you grow your business.
Create a Social Media Content Plan
Is this your social media strategy – you’re logging on to Facebook several times a day, pinning a few things on Pinterest and then you share a link of your blog post to one of your Facebook groups … and that’s it?
You’re wondering why your traffic isn’t growing as fast as it could. And you’re thinking, “Why does this work for all the people doing the same thing I’m doing? Why am I not getting this?”
You know that social media works but you just can’t figure out the pieces that you’re missing to make it work for your business.
Using social media as a marketing tool is not about loading up your paid scheduler every week. It’s an online networking program that allows you to connect with potential customers … as long as they can find you.
If you’re frustrated that you’re not getting results using some blogger’s favorite worksheet or a guide from an expert then it’s time for you to start creating a social media process that’s customized to who you are and what you do.
If you’re feeling scattered with your social media plans — What are you supposed to post? Where should you post it and how often do I need to get something out there? — sign up for the FREE Social Biz Builder Content Strategy Challenge and see how 5 simple action-filled steps can help you finally create a social plan that stops the overwhelm. Steps that will show you to how to get a social plan in place that’s filled with content ideas that increases your engagement with potential customers.
Click here to get a content plan that stops the idea that ‘posting whatever’ is your social media strategy.
Get Organized with Your Social Media Marketing
Now that you’ve worked through creating your content plan, how do you make sure that you get everything done without adding all these extra hours to you’re already busy day?
While I admit that some days it feels like I have a slight touch of OCD, if I wasn’t so organized, I couldn’t get all my stuff done. And since I’m going to be celebrating my 17th anniversary of being in business, I feel like I have enough experience to help you get organized.
So here you go folks … my advice to you to get your stuff done:
- The most important thing I can tell you is to plan, plan and then when you think you’re done, plan some more.
For those of you who cringe at the thought of planning stuff, break it down into 30 minute sessions. Create smaller action item lists to to plan out at least 3 – 4 months of content, blog posts and your upcoming projects.
- My best piece of advice is to create your planning system based on how you work best.
Not everyone works the same way.
Some of us like everything to be digital while others like to write it out. And some people need visual triggers and create a system where they can see the whole plan laid out with sticky notes.
I’m like a mixed up version of everything. But I figured out what works for me. I find time to add my planning sessions into my schedule. And I consistently follow it to avoid that overwhelming feeling of not knowing what’s next.
Let me share with you my planning process and the FREE worksheets to help you get more done and add more hours into your day.
Keep learning
Were you a good student as a kid? Did you like going to school because your friends were there or you liked the idea of learning just for the sake of learning?
As a business owner, it shouldn’t matter how much information you know or that you think that since you’re no longer a kid, you’re done with all this learning stuff. But to assume that you already know all that you need to know means that you’ve basically come to a stand still in your business.
One of the best things you can do for your business is to never stop learning. There’s always something new to learn, tips to try with your social media marketing and programs to try out to help you be more efficient with your day.
When you look at other successful business owners, they openly admit to constantly learning something new every day. They read books, watch webinars and go to conferences to attend training course by the experts who share their knowledge. The best entrepreneurs know that to be successful, they have to be continuously learning.
If you’re gotten out of the habit of learning, it’s never too late to get started again. Take a look at these FREE workshops to help you learn something new to help you grow your business:
How to Make Pinterest Group Boards Grow Your Pinterest Traffic
Pinterest has been silently making changes — and important ones! — to Group boards that directly affect how to find good group boards to join. In this workshop, I’m sharing my latest tip about how to quickly find group boards that make sense for your business or blog.
Overcome Your Fear of Being Visible
Do you have a fear of getting yourself out there to promote your business? You know you need to do it to grow your business on social media but you’re stuck and just – can’t – do -it. If you’ve been holding yourself back from getting out there because you think you’ll make mistakes or you’ve convinced yourself that people will question, “who does she think she is?” — this interactive workshop is for you!
How to Build Your Email List with Pinterest
You’ve heard people in your Facebook groups talking about how awesome Pinterest is for building their email lists. You’ve read the blog posts giving you all ‘my personal secrets’ to lead generation but you can’t quite figure out how to make this work for your business or blog. In this interactive Pinterest learning session, I’m going to take you through the steps to use Pinterest to get targeted customers into your sales funnel.
Create an Action Plan to Really Grow Your Business
Do you feel like there are never enough hours in the day, and that you are on a hamster wheel not having fun anymore? Join me for a not-so-common workshop to help you learn hot to move forward with your goals and how to identify & make time for the high value activities that will grow your business.
There you go folks … lots of ideas here to help you grow your business without spending a lot of money.
Don’t let all these options overwhelm you to the point where you decide to not do anything. Pick one or two of these ideas – watch a workshop this week, sign up for the Content Strategy Challenge, fill out a worksheet to get more organized with your social media plan.
Just do something.
And make sure that you keep at it. I promise you that over time, you’ll start to see progress because there’s more to building a business online than just using social media.
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