I’ve been thinking too much
I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting about my word for the year.
I shared in my Planning My Social Media Strategy for 2018 post the process I go through for choosing my power word. I started this tradition of choosing my word for the year back in 2014 and I will admit, it did help me create a consistent theme to everything that I worked on in my business.
I’ve decided that my word this year is CLARITY. I found this image on Pinterest and I was like YES!!! This is so spot on with where I am and where I want to go.
After spending quite a bit of time of thinking through my word, this thought came to me that I wanted to share about how I’ll to move forward with coaching my clients with their social media marketing strategy. { and yes I get that fact that I’m getting clarity on my word CLARITY, the irony is not lost on me }
I’m on a path to share my message:
Clarity + Courage = Results
When I break down my message, it looks like this: How Clarity leads to courage ===>
When you have clarity, you understand where you need to go, you know the path ahead. You know what to promote, what to post, what to share.
But you also need to find your courage to get past your comfort box and do it. The real reason most of us don’t get it done is … fear.
I believe that having clarity can help you breakthrough that fear.
I started my first deep dive into the Clarity + Courage idea with my latest interactive workshop How to Create a Focused Monthly Planning Process workshop { if you missed it live, you can still watch the replay! }.
As I was working through the process to create my presentation slides, I realized that I’ve already been teaching this type of Clarity + Courage with my coaching clients but now I’m even more clear on how to coach my clients about how to use Clarity to help with your social media marketing.
How does this all work?
It’s really quite simple. You do you.
The idea behind Clarity + Courage is based on the premise of you no longer following all these 10 step-processed programs that all the big name coaches are pushing to the absolute letter. It’s more than just learning a specific process but working through it { or working with a coach to guide you through } and finding a way to make it yours based on your life, your workstyle and even your energy times of day.
Let me show you how this works.
Here are three posts that I’ve written chock full of great tips and I’ll show you how you can take these ideas and turn them into a way that you can do them more effectively — and actually get your social media marketing work done!
{ If you’re interested in learning more about Clarity + Courage coaching, you can set up a complimentary Discover Your Strategy Session with me! }
Three Tips for Effective Marketing – If you had two focused hours every day for your social media marketing, what is the most important thing that you can be working on to grow your business? Take a look at these tips to help you be more effective with your time online.
In this post, we’ll focus on Tip #2 that shows you how to track your social media action steps.
This idea isn’t saying that you abso-freaking-lutely need to download this worksheet every week or you won’t be able to get this done.
Nope. You do you and do it your way.
You can use an excel spread sheet, a pretty printable you found on Pinterest or an app like Evernote. Seriously, it doesn’t matter what you use. It’s more important that you find something that works for you and your workstyle { the way you work like paper/pen or digital apps } so you’ll keep using the tools to help you with your social media.
If you try to force yourself to use something that doesn’t fit with your workstyle, it’s becomes something uncomfortable and literally, feels forced. And then you’ll find every excuse NOT to get it done.
It’s not about using some precise format but taking these ideas and creating a process that works with the way that you work.
Five Habits I Do Every Day to Get More Done – Tools are great to help you work every day but what’s really going to help you reach your goals? You need to develop solid habits that will not only help you stay focused, but they’ll motivate you to keep moving and growing and getting more done.
In this example, let’s take a look at Tip #3 that talks about prioritizing your day.
It’s one thing to read about all these high-end coaches and six-figure CEO’s talk about their morning routine but is that how your life works? Can you honestly get up at 5am and go to the gym to do a hot yoga class when you’re a single mom who spends her morning helping her kid get ready for his day in third grade?
Nope because that’s not your life.
And quite honestly, someone might call the cops if your 7 year old son starts a fire in the toaster oven because he has to make his own breakfast when you’re off sitting on a foam mat in some crazy hot room.
You do you and prioritize your day your way.
Your list that you need to sort through is going to be based on your schedule, your life and what’s important to you. Your list could include just some of these items: Home, Kids, Clients, Social Media, Networking, Studying.
Or if you’re doing you, your list could include: Full-time job, Taking care of my dog, Side-hustle client projects, Website updates.
You review your planner and ask yourself, “Do I have client calls or taking care of something with my son that day? What’s going on today that will take my focus off the work on my desk?”
And that’s how you prioritize your day. Then base the order that you work on things by on how much time you have to work uninterrupted at your desk and what time of day do you have the energy level to get the work done.
Seven Social Media Marketing Solutions – How do you take those things you learned at a webinar, a local workshop or something you read in a blog post and fit them into your crazy busy day? Check out these seven steps to help take what you’ve learned and actually implement these action steps.
In this post, let’s take a look at Tip #4 and how to create reminder messages.
Reminder messages don’t always have to be the sticky note example that I used to explain how this works. You can use an app that pops up at a certain time every day. It could be a program that makes an alarm sound in your computer to remind you to get that work done.
It’s about you doing you and using what works for you.
Because social media works when you really work it. And when you find the tools that work the way that you work, you’ll find a way – your way! – to finally get it to work with your busy world.
What really works for You To Do You
Be careful when you’re reviewing your options and opportunities! Sometimes when we get wrapped up in this idea of creating a plan, we tend to over analyze what we’re doing and what we need to work on.
How do you know when you’re fallen down the research rabbit hole? When you’re reading way too many blog posts or, worse, you’re signing up to a bunch of DIY online courses because you’ve convinced yourself that this one will be the quick fix to make this stuff work.
When you catch yourself in this place, take my simple advice – just make a decision. Stop thinking about what’s the perfect solution and just make a decision about what you want to work on and move forward with that plan.
Remember, your decision isn’t set in stone. It’s just a direction for you to stop cycling all those ideas in your head and keep you moving towards your goals.
There is no such thing as the perfect strategy plan to reach your final outcome. Accept the fact that you’ll keep working and adjusting your plans.
There really isn’t some secret formula to create this perfect plan. This process isn’t the place for perfection.
Perfect is stressful. Perfect is time consuming. Perfect isn’t achievable.
Do you want to know what does work? Consistency.
Consistently posting in your social sites is a better strategy plan to reach your social media goals than perfection.
Consistency is the key to a strong social media strategy. Consistency is what works to help you do you so you can work the way you want.
PS If you’re ready to grow your business or blog using social media, let’s have a conversation!
I help digital and creative entrepreneurs by teaching you how to fit social media marketing into your already busy schedule so you can spend more time doing what you love to make more money. My goal is to clear out the overwhelm and turn it into confidence that you know what to do, what to post and how to connect to your customers online.
Click here to get more details about a Discover Your Strategy Session to sign up for your FREE call with Penney!
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