Is Pinterest Your Top Marketing Tool?
With over 100 million active Pinterest users, Pinterest is quickly becoming one of the small business owner and blogger’s top tools in their marketing mix to grow their site traffic.
The latest Pinterest stats show us that more than half the people logging on to this visual site come there with an intent to buy. Pinterest users run searches, click through images, read the descriptions and with one click, they’re on your site, hitting that Buy Now button.
Pinterest is really becoming everything the experts told us that social media marketing would do to help us grow our businesses. Social media marketing on Pinterest sounds so simple – you post up your image with a message, people click on your link and buy your stuff.
And it should be that simple! But if you’re like most small business owners or bloggers, it’s not.
You’re not seeing all those big results you’ve been reading about on the Pinterest blog posts. You’re pinning your best content from your blog and no one is repinning it. You don’t know what to pin, where to pin it and how often you should be pinning your images.
You’ve read the expert’s posts with all these steps about what to do to makes this work and you’re not getting it. All that time you’ve spent pinning and you still can’t figure out how this social program works to bring you that valuable traffic.
And quite honestly, you just don’t have the time to sit there and study your analytics about why it’s not working and what’s going on with all those pins you’re posting.
My Pinterest Story
I’m a pretty active Pinterest and last year, I started to notice that my Pinterest feed looked different. And not a in a different way that made my pinning experience better.
I knew that like any other social site, Pinterest was making changes.
I get that but then this happened: I started to see more pins from a topic that I recently researched about setting some financial goals. Right after I set up a Financial Goals board and followed a few other boards looking for content, my feed was flooded with financial tips.
A couple of days later, my Pinterest home feed was overrun with stories about people paying off their $20,000 debt in one year, how to create a home budget binder to why I should be shopping at a grocery store called Aldi.
What happened?
I admit I was interested in changing some of my spending habits to help me save more but there was no way that I requested to change my Pinterest feed into a Financial 101 eclass.
I spent over a year crafting my Pinterest feed into following specific people and boards to deliver the best mix of content of social media marketing and blogging tips combined with a touch of my personal interests like cupcakes and looking at adorable pictures of Golden Retrievers.
What really happened?
Pinterest launched Smart Feed.
What is Pinterest’s Smart Feed? Basically Pinterest now assigns a score or a ranking to each pin (image with a link) that gets uploaded to the site. And this ranking is what determines what we see when we log into Pinterest.
Once I figured out what had happened and why I was seeing certain pins and not some of the boards I followed, I went to work trying to learn how to outsmart Pinterest’s Smart Feed.
I read a ton of posts from the Pinterest experts and even personally reached out to a couple of them with my questions. I took detailed notes and tracked what worked and tweaked the best of the pinning recommendations to grow my Pinterest presence.
I kept working and changing and shifting my Pinterest strategy until the day came when I finally hit 10,000 Pinterest Followers. And with the followers came the website traffic.
More than 80% of my site traffic comes from Pinterest! I get more traffic from Pinterest every month than from Facebook, Twitter and organic Google search COMBINED.
It didn’t happen in a few days or even in just a few short months.
It happened because these steps I discovered worked. I used this process to create my Pinterest strategy and I follow these steps every week.
And now I want to share what I’ve learned to help you understand how to use Pinterest to grow your site traffic.
Why You Should Join the Grow Your Pinterest Traffic Challenge
Pinterest is more than just setting up an account and pinning your blog posts.
If you’re asking yourself, “I’ve got an account, what do I do now?” or thinking, “I don’t know what to post,” this 5 Day Grow Your Pinterest Traffic Challenge is the place to help you learn what to do next.
In the 5 Day Grow Your Pinterest Traffic Challenge, I’m going to share with you not just the process to optimize your account but show you easy actionable steps to get more of your pins shared and bring more traffic to your website.
One BIG thing to note – this isn’t a beginner Pinterest Challenge! We’re not going to talk about how to set up a business account or to verify your website.
This is for the small business owner and bloggers who are way past that point and want to take their Pinterest account to the next level.
Here’s what we’ll do together during the 5 Day Grow Your Pinterest Traffic Challenge:
- Learn why your best blog posts aren’t reaching more people and getting more repins.
- Understand how Pinterest’s Smart Feed (the program that decides what shows up in our Pinterest feed) works to grow your traffic.
- Get the simple steps to reach more people with Promoted Pins.
- Develop a customized Pinterest strategy showing you what to post, where to post it and how often to post your content to get more site traffic.
Here’s How This Works:
The 5 Day Grow Your Pinterest Traffic Challenge will run for 5 days, Monday – Friday on October 26 – 30, 2015
To sign up for the Pinterest Challenge:
1. Join my Peace, Love & Pinterest Facebook Group at
2. Starting on October 26, log into the Peace, Love & Pinterest Facebook Group for the daily challenge. You’ll get the Pinterest lesson for the day as well as a downloadable daily Pinterest Challenge Resource Guide.
The downloadable Pinterest Challenge Resource Guide will give you more details that include step-by-step processes to follow and worksheets that will help you work through the Grow Your Pinterest Traffic Challenge.
3. You don’t need to give me your email address to sign up! There will be no lists to join or daily messages in your inbox. You just join the Peace, Love & Pinterest Facebook Group at
4. Not only will you get the daily Pinterest Challenge lesson and additional tips and resources but you’ll also get the support from the other members in the Facebook Group! You can move through this process at your own pace and we’ll all be there with you whenever you have any questions.
Interested in growing your Pinterest followers?
Just join the Facebook Group to sign up for the Grow Your Pinterest Traffic Challenge:!