Your Marketing Plans
When you start working on your marketing plans for your small business or blog, it’s always good to remember that it’s not just about the number of followers or the amount of money you want to make. Your marketing plans should include thinking about what pieces of the marketing puzzle that you’re missing and a plan to figure out how you can find some answers.
After all these years of taking the time to write up my marketing plan for the year – and some years, it took me weeks to work through when I’d launch my programs and what I needed to focus on to get everything done – I finally started to get how this works.
I’d spend all this time mapping out launch dates on the calendar, making assessments on how many units I needed to sell or the number of people I could help with my programs. It was all about calendar dates and a bunch of numbers.
Of course I called them ‘goals’ and ‘action steps’ but really I was just writing out all these things that I wanted to happen. I didn’t really think about what I needed to do to make this happen.
What I really needed to do was to figure out what I need to change and what I need to learn to get me there.
My Marketing Mindshift
If you’ve been following me this year, you’ve heard me talk about the journey of change that I’ve been on with my business.
{ If you just found me or we just ‘met,’ then let me tell you that I’ve made a whole bunch of changes to not just the way I do things in my business but the way I THINK about how I’m doing things in my business. }
When I was working on my yearly recap of last year, I realized that I had ended another year making the same amount of money that I did the year before doing the same exact programs. And my recap resembled the one of the year before that one.
And the year before that one.
I knew that something had to change or I would end up in the same place when I worked on my yearly recap for this year. I knew that couldn’t control the Facebook algorithm and how many people saw my posts or how many people clicked on my Instagram photos.
But I knew that I could make changes to myself as an entrepreneur.
I could change my behavior and the steps that I was doing to grow my business. I could change my mindset and how I thought about connecting to my customers. I could change my usual pattern of just hoping that something would happen to reach these goals and change the way I could make things happen.
So that’s what I did.
I went on a journey of change. I wanted to learn what’s missing in my marketing plans and what I needed to learn to fill in those lost pieces to help me grow my business.
I started by looking at the steps it takes to bring people down the path they start on to take their customer journey with me. I immediately started to see where the holes were and how many connections with potential customers I had lost.
Then I began to look for the information to help me fill the holes to ensure that I wouldn’t have a repeat of last year. Sometimes, I would find an online course that would help me get my answers – keep in mind, I was very protective of my time and money and didn’t just sign up for anything and everything bright and shiny that crossed my path!
And other times, I would connect with new people in my Facebook Groups who would help me learn those important things I needed to help keep me growing.
Most of the time, I couldn’t find what I was looking for to fill in the holes. So I started to do my research and figure this all out myself. And then when I worked through the action steps to put my research to work, I started to see results.
I started to see growth.
And because I base my business on finding ways for me to help other business owners and bloggers see their potential, I pulled everything together – my research, my notes, the steps I took to challenge myself – and turned them into these social media resources to help you learn more and do more with your marketing plans.
#1 – Discover what’s working with your Pinterest marketing
If you’re anything like me, Pinterest is one of the top referral sites that I use to generate the most traffic to my site every month. But like with everything else, my Pinterest numbers went up and down like a roller coaster so to better understand what was going on, I created the Pinterest Review Guide.
Are you pinning your stuff and no one seems to be finding your content? Has there been a drop in your traffic from Pinterest?
If this sums up what’s been going on with your Pinterest marketing plans, you’ve probably started doing some research to figure out what’s happening and how you can fix it.
Maybe it’s time you need to take a step back and do a review of your Pinterest account. Click here to learn the steps on how you can learn what’s working with your Pinterest account and what needs tweaking.
#2 – Guide to Getting More Done
This 17-page FREE workbook is more than just a checklist or the steps to set up your social sites.
The Guide to Getting More Done is the answer to your question – how do I get all this social media stuff done without adding hours to my already full schedule?
What you’ll get:
- Steps to create a planning system whether you live life in the digital fast lane or you’re a visual person.
- Post planning process to fill your content calendar for your social posts for 30 days.
- Step-by-step process with worksheets to create a personalized posting strategy that you can reuse every month.
The steps in The Guide to Getting More Done Workbook will give you simple easy to follow action steps to give you clarity with your social media strategy.
#3 – How to create a better social media plan that stops that feeling of overwhelm
Want to learn a process to get more organized with what you’re posting to your social sites, a process that let’s you know what to post and where to post it?
Sign up for the FREE Social Biz Builder Content Strategy Challenge and learn how to get a social plan in place that’s filled with content ideas that increases your engagement with potential customers.
If you’re feeling scattered with your social media plans — What are you supposed to post? Where should you post it and how often do I need to get something out there? — sign up for the Social Biz Builder Content Strategy Challenge and see how 5 simple action-filled steps can help you finally create a social plan that stops the overwhelm.
#4 – Struggling to make more sales on social media?
What would it feel like if your coaching programs were sold out? Or you could sell your products online because you were engaging in natural, meaningful conversations that don’t feel like a cheesy salesperson?
Imagine feeling confident because you’ve made real connections with the right people who know what you do and how you can help them. You know how to show up in your online spaces, sharing content that creates a sense of community with your customers.
Marketing on social media doesn’t overwhelm you anymore. You easily slip in and out of marketing in your social sites every week while still having time to build your business.
And you did it because you worked the steps in the Connect to More Customers Online Challenge.
Do you feel like this?
- I don’t have anything to say that people care about.
- I’m uncomfortable seeing myself on video.
- I’m not one of those people who can just put myself out there and share. I don’t even comment in Facebook groups – I’m more a lurker!
I get it. I totally do.
I use to feel that way too and I can promise you, I’ve said every one of those sentences you just read. I understand what it’s like to have an amazing business where your programs and products aren’t selling.
The thought of putting myself out there being judged and dealing with negative comments made me want to hide behind my laptop.
BUT the idea that my business would fail if I didn’t connect with my customers was more powerful than my fear of hitting that Go Live button on a Facebook. I knew something had to change for me to create more meaningful connections to reach my customers.
When you focus on results, nothing changes. When you focus on changes, you’ll see results.
This past year, I learned the value of focusing on changes to see better results. I went on a journey of change.
I wanted to learn how to have a better plan to be more visible and to create more meaningful connections.
I started with small steps outside of my comfort box. I journaled about what worked, what didn’t and why I was feeling the resistance to not do something simple as being consistent with my visibility plan.
When I came out on the other side, I experienced:
- Confidence for setting a goal for myself and actually getting it done.
- I felt more efficient with my time – I developed a plan where I knew what to post, what to say and where to go.
- I accepted the fact that not everyone was going to get me. That my products were not for everyone and I’d much rather spend my valuable time connecting to the people who want to buy my programs.
- I learned not to take this stuff so serious! Being an entrepreneur is meant to be fun and it was exciting to hit that Go Live button to share what I love with my community.
The Connect to More Customers Online is only $37 for the full 6 weeks. { that’s a total of $37! }
The Connect to More Customers Online such a great investment is that it’s worth it to keep the momentum going. You’ve started the work, let’s finish the drill and end the 6 weeks stronger than where you were when you started.
Each week, you’ll continue to be challenged and you’ll have the opportunity to get feedback from the like minded business owners and bloggers in a supportive Facebook group.
The steps in The Connect to More Customers Online is 6 weeks of action-packed content, group support and accountability that will help you learn how to show up in your online space. You’ll develop meaningful connections that lead to deeper relationships and create easy sales conversations.
When you work through the actionable steps in this unique 6 week journey, you’ll not only know where and how to focus your valuable time but you’ll get connected to the right people who want to buy your products and programs.
If you’ve been looking for a way to make more sales from social media,
start your journey today and join The Connect to More Customers Online Challenge!
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